Summary of USPTO Fee Changes for Information Disclosure Statements and Continuing Applications

The USPTO published a final rule in the Federal Register on November 20, 2024, establishing fee adjustments for fiscal year 2025. The updated fees became effective as of January 19, 2025. Below, we summarize the relevant fee changes (large entity fee amounts) concerning Information Disclosure Statements (IDS) and continuing applications.

 1. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Fees: The USPTO has updated the fees for filing an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS), based on the cumulative number of references provided by the applicant (including references previously cited). The new IDS fee structure is as follows:

  • For more than 50 references: The fee will be $200

  • For more than 100 but not exceeding 200 references: The fee will be $500, less any amount previously paid.

  • For more than 200 references: The fee will be $800, less any amounts previously paid. 

2. Continuing Application Fees: The USPTO has also adjusted the fees for continuing applications. These fees are now based on the time elapsed between the filing date of the continuation application and the earlier filing date (Earliest Benefit Date or EBD) of the parent application. The updated fees are as follows:

  • For continuation applications filed more than six but no more than nine years after their EBD: The fee will be $2,700.

  • For continuation applications filed more than nine years after their EBD: The fee will be $4,000.

Effective Date:

As noted above, these updated fees became effective January 19, 2025. We recommend planning accordingly for any filings you are considering, as these fee increases may impact the costs of your patent applications.

If you have any upcoming filings involving an IDS or continuing applications, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to continuing to support your intellectual property needs. Contact us with any questions or require further clarification.


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